An Riddle

This is a brand story of answering a “Riddle of Sphinx” about eyewear: what makes your appearance look like everyone else, yet unique, that hides your soul, while making it perceptible to everyone all the time?

The "Best"

Our founder Joe, for serendipity, entered the eyewear industry about 17 years ago after graduating with a master’s degree in psychology and that work continues to this day. After selling hundreds of millions of pairs of eyewears, he tried to answer a question that had been haunt him for many years: Which one is the “BEST” among these designs?He asked so many people’s opinions but the answers are so different. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes–possibly there is no consensus about “BEST”. So he delved into his past profession, trying to find an answer.


The function of designs of eyewear, has been advertised like: Eyewear shapes your face and expresses your personality. This maybe right for only one person, but not right for many people wearing same style–it just makes you look similar as others and hides you in the crowd. Right?! Why?

First, let’s use division to calculate: there are at most hundreds of shapes, but there are billions of people. The result is that at a certain time, you are wearing the same style with tens of millions of other people–if the style shaped your face, you just look the same as tens of millions of other people.

Second, only a few different colors cannot standard for your unique personality. Some fashion theories say: red for passion, blue for wisdom, and etc. But your personality isn’t that simple. The selling statistics show 60-70% of the plastic eyewear sold in black internationally. If black color really relates to the hidden, the secretive and the unknown, it’s definitely a dark humor about human nature. In fact, it is just because (1) if sellers do not know which color can be sell good, they choose black for safety; (2) people do not have much choice and if options do not represent of themselves. they choose black.

So, most eyewears only have the function of “making you look like someone else”. Like in the “The Hunger Games”, simply divided people into 5 kinds: square shape, round shape, oval shape, catseye shape, pilot shape. Wearing is mostly hiding, not expressing.

Our nature

Expressing ourselves is a human nature and poeple do not want be same as others.

In ancient times human drawn symbols on faces to motivate themselves and intimidate their opponents. In modern society, people use tattoo and makeup. People try to be different from others and sometime will feel embarrassed when dressing clashing someone else. There is a key element: pattern. Or be called as runes, symbols. Nothing can convey the power in your heart more directly than a pattern. There is no need to shout loudly, pattern is a silent mind-shock directly hits the audience’s heart through their eyes.

Wearing eyewear with pattern is outstanding because you don’t need to look at someone, but they are able to perceive your mind. Besides, changing pattern is easier comparing with the inconvenience of changing tattoos or makeup when we need different mental powers to deal with different environments and conditions.


We cannot find eyewears with pattern easily in the market.

The key reason is: most brands use their logo as the core pattern and this is pushing out other patterns. Because the power of pattern is overwhelming, logo embodies the core values of a brand. A brand with a defined spiritual core is unable to provide its customers another value of free expression of themselves. For example, a women’s brand which emphasizes elegance, is difficult to use a ferocious lion pattern. Like human, brands use logo to express themself.

The Answer

Is there a “BEST” design for glasses?Joe think one can be a candidate: to customize pattern for customers. This is why Faithego — eyewear with pattern was born.

Faithego makes your appearance look like everyone else, yet unique, that hides your soul meanwhile making it perceptible to everyone all the time.


Customize Tips

  1.  Upload file format limited to JPG, PNG & BMP. Other file may cause your design fail.
  2.  The size of a single image limited 3M.  The larger the image, the slower the upload speed.
  3.  The value of RGB (255,255,255) is saved for transparent color in the system. Please do not set white color to (255,255,255) in any image or text.
    • If “Add Text”, do not set the font color to (255, 255, 255). E.g., (255, 255, 254) is fine;
    • If you upload a design drawing, the color of the elements in the design drawing (255, 255, 255) should be changed;
    • It doesn’t matter if you upload a photo. Photo generally does not contain elements of pure (255, 255, 255) color.

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