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Customize Tips

  1.  Upload file format limited to JPG, PNG & BMP. Other file may cause your design fail.
  2.  The size of a single image limited 3M.  The larger the image, the slower the upload speed.
  3.  The value of RGB (255,255,255) is saved for transparent color in the system. Please do not set white color to (255,255,255) in any image or text.
    • If “Add Text”, do not set the font color to (255, 255, 255). E.g., (255, 255, 254) is fine;
    • If you upload a design drawing, the color of the elements in the design drawing (255, 255, 255) should be changed;
    • It doesn’t matter if you upload a photo. Photo generally does not contain elements of pure (255, 255, 255) color.

Polarized lenses work by reducing glare from bright light off reflective surfaces and slightly increasing contrast, so they should make it easier to see things clearly in bright light. (What Are Polarized Lenses?)